Treatment Options
Before an initial assessment, permission to treat your horse may be required from your regular veterinarian.
A session will generally involve a discussion about the horse’s history and whether the rider is experiencing any issues with the horse, followed by a static and dynamic evaluation, to ensure that chiropractic and/or acupuncture treatments are the right options for your horse. A ridden assessment may also be warranted.
Based on exam findings, a performance plan will be discussed, potentially involving collaboration with your regular veterinarians, physiotherapists, farriers, and saddlers.
Please go to the Blog if you are interested in reading more in depth, scientific articles about what we do.

Chiropractic Care
Benefits of chiropractic care include:
Help to improve compensatory pain associated with other lameness issues.
Improving gait symmetry.
Improving collection and engagement.
Improving flexibility.
Preventing recurrence of orthopedic issues.
It can be extremely beneficial for horses which are:
In work, but are not performing at the level expected.
Working well but have a history of orthopedic issues.
Increasing their level of work, to try to prevent orthopedic issues.
Returning to work after a period of box rest following injury or surgery.
Returning to work after foaling, or during the pregnancy.

Benefits of acupuncture include:
Performance enhancement
Pain relief.
Rehabilitation from injury.
Treatment of neurological disorders, including headshaking, radial nerve paralysis and laryngeal hemiplegia (roaring).
Treatment for other chronic conditions, including behavioural issues.

Myofascial release
The fascia connects all the muscles in the body. Treatment with a combination of massage, acupuncture and laser helps tight muscles to regain a full range of mobility, resulting in increased range of motion in the joints which they stabilize.

Nutrition consultation
With a Level 5 Diploma in Equine Nutrition, I offer feeding consultation appointments for your horse, based on workload, veterinary history and our horse's individual needs.

Laser Therapy
I use a Class 3B laser to stimulate acupuncture points when horses do not like needles. The laser does not get hot, and it is set at a specific wavelength and frequency to stimulate specific reactions in cells which lead to release of chemicals that result in local pain relief and increased blood flow.
I also have a Class 4 Laser to help with rehabilitation and pain relief. Although it can help in a number of cases, it is mainly used for back and tendon pain, and wound healing.

Rehabilitation Planning
Based on the treatments provided, a rehabilitation plan can be discussed, taking a number of factors into account. I am always very happy to work in close conjunction with your regular physiotherapist and veterinarian, to disclose our findings, and to be led by them.

Podiatry services
Mainly to be used for foot balance radiographs to compliment other treatment modalities. Posture changes from sore joints effects the way horses stand. Subsequently, they wear down their feet unevenly. Having an X Ray machine makes it significantly easier to help direct your farrier towards remedial shoeing, as well as tracking improvements as your horse's posture changes.